Cambridge Buddhist Centre Talks

These talks have all been given at Cambridge Buddhist Centre and uploaded to the Free Buddhist Audio website.

Uploaded: Tuesday 11th Nov 2014

As part of Sangha Day 2014 at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre, Centre Chairman Ratnaghosha gives his fifteen reflections on life.

Uploaded: Monday 10th Nov 2014

A set of four talks to mark the Year of Spiritual Community at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre. Talks in order are given by: Samamati, Parami, Sanghadevi and Saddharaja.

Uploaded: Monday 10th Nov 2014

The first in a series of four talks to mark the Year of Spiritual Community at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre, each taking as its theme a stage in the System of Practice.

Uploaded: Friday 6th Jun 2014

This is a talk given as part of the Year of Spiritual Community talks at Cambridge Buddhist Centre.

Uploaded: Friday 6th Jun 2014

This is a talk given as part of the Year of Spiritual Community talks at Cambridge Buddhist Centre.

Uploaded: Friday 6th Jun 2014

This is a talk given as part of the Year of Spiritual Community talks at Cambridge Buddhist Centre.

Uploaded: Friday 21st Feb 2014

Ratnaghosha gives us fifteen reflections on death, as part of the Parinirvana Day festival at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre.

Uploaded: Monday 18th Nov 2013

A talk by Dhivan as part of the International Urban Retreat, the theme of which is metta 'blazing like the sun'.

Uploaded: Monday 18th Nov 2013

Ratnaghosha gives the key note talk at Sangha Day; launching the Year of Spiritual Community for 2014 and laying out a vision for the Sangha.

Uploaded: Friday 1st Nov 2013

A spacious couple of talks, including led reflections, as part of week two of a course led by Vessantara entitled 'Motivation is Everything - the four reminders', also known as the four thoughts that turn the mind to the Dharma or the four common preliminaries.

Uploaded: Tuesday 29th Oct 2013

A (sadly incomplete) talk from Dhamma Revolution Day by Saddharaja.

Uploaded: Friday 25th Oct 2013

A relaxed, informal talk to launch a course led by Vessantara entitled 'Motivation is Everything - the four reminders', also known as the four thoughts that turn the mind to the Dharma or the four common preliminaries.

Uploaded: Friday 4th Oct 2013

Maitreyabandhu launching his new collection of poetry 'The Crumb Road' - a Poetry Book Society Recommendation - published by Bloodaxe. Including an interview with the author by Ratnagarbha, editor of Urthona magazine.

Uploaded: Monday 30th Sep 2013

A talk by Subhadramati as part of the book launch for 'Not about being good: a practical guide to Buddhist ethics'.

Uploaded: Wednesday 18th Sep 2013

An inspiring talk by Ratnaghosha, given at the 2013 Padmasambhava Day festival at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre.

Uploaded: Friday 12th Jul 2013

The final talk in the second series of talks to mark the Cambridge Buddhist Centre Year of Kalyana Mitrata.

Uploaded: Tuesday 9th Jul 2013

The penultimate talk in the second series of 'Year of Kalyana Mitrata talks' from the Cambridge Buddhist Centre. Aryajaya reflects on her experience of spiritual friendship in the context of working at Windhorse:Evolution.

Uploaded: Tuesday 2nd Jul 2013

Sarvananda, author of 'Solitude and loneliness, a Buddhist view', talks about the relationship between solitude and spiritual friendship. Given as part of the Year of Kalyana Mitrata at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre.

Uploaded: Tuesday 2nd Jul 2013

A talks by Sagaraghosa as part of the Cambridge Buddhist Centre's Year of Kalyana Mitrata, about friendships formed at the Buddhist Centre.

Uploaded: Friday 14th Jun 2013

The first of the second series of talks to the Sangha 'Kalyana Mitrata talks 2'. As part of the Cambridge Buddhist Centre Year of Kalyana Mitrata.

Uploaded: Tuesday 4th Jun 2013

Subhuti talks to the Cambridge Sangha about Kalyana Mitrata, in the context of Buddha Day and the Cambridge Buddhist Centre Year of Kalyana Mitrata.

Uploaded: Monday 3rd Jun 2013

Three informal talks as part of Subhuti's visit to the Cambridge Buddhist Centre, on the day after Buddha Day 2013.

Uploaded: Saturday 1st Jun 2013

On the occasion of Buddha Day, and in the context of Cambridge's Year of Kalyana Mitrata, Subhuti speaks candidly about his relationship with Sangharakshita; elucidating the nature of lived Kalyana Mitrata.

Uploaded: Friday 31st May 2013

A talk from Subhuti as part of the Buddha Day celebrations in Cambridge on Saturday 25th May, 2013. Subhuti talks especially about his connection with Sangharakshita.

Uploaded: Monday 18th Mar 2013

The fourth and final in our series of talks to mark the Year of Kalyana Mitrata at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre.

Uploaded: Friday 8th Mar 2013

The third in our series of talks to mark the Year of Kalyana Mitrata at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre.

Uploaded: Monday 25th Feb 2013

The second in a series of talks marking the Year of Kalyana Mitrata. Please note that the first couple of minutes are missing.

Uploaded: Tuesday 19th Feb 2013

A talk by Vajradevi to launch the Cambridge Buddhist Centre Year of Kalyana Mitrata.

Uploaded: Monday 29th Oct 2012

As part of our series of talks 'What do Buddhists think...?, Jayarava talks on Economics.

Uploaded: Tuesday 23rd Oct 2012

The last in our series of talks 'What do Buddhists think...?' Ratnaprabha, author of 'Finding the Mind: A Buddhist View'