Cambridge Buddhist Centre Talks

These talks have all been given at Cambridge Buddhist Centre and uploaded to the Free Buddhist Audio website.

Uploaded: Wednesday 3rd May 2017

This talk was given on Triratna Order Day held at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre, at the invitation of the Eastern Region Order Conveners. *** 0.00 Intro including 4 reliances 3.20 Appreciation 5.50 Experience at Chithurst Monastery 8.40 Sangharakshita as translator, big vision: effort and love,...

Uploaded: Monday 24th Apr 2017

A talk from Mahamati, who is the President of Karuna Trust and Secretary to Sangharakshita, on 'the greatest Indian', Dr B.R. Ambedkar, as part of Ambedkar Day celebrations.

Uploaded: Monday 24th Apr 2017

As part of celebrating 50 years of Triratna, Vessantara looks back to the early days of the movement.

Uploaded: Monday 24th Apr 2017

As part of celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the founding of Triratna, Maitridaka - one of our youngest and recently ordained Order members - looks forward to the next 50 years.

Uploaded: Friday 31st Mar 2017

The much loved Maitreyabandhu, poet and author of a number of Dharma books, including the very well received Life With Full Attention, brings his inimitable style and intellect to this topic

Uploaded: Friday 24th Mar 2017

In this Sangha Night talks, three of our more established Order Members talk about their experience of being an Order Member and why they are still inspired to practice in this context.

Uploaded: Monday 20th Mar 2017

'Mind Over Matter': The Buddha taught that 'Minds create Worlds'. Modern Physics tells us that Reality defies common sense. Does the Buddhist vision of the Universe have anything to offer beyond scientific materialism? 'Nature's Law': What is the Universe and...

Uploaded: Friday 17th Feb 2017

The second talk on the theme of What is the Sangha? at Sangha Night, this time by Subhadramati. Subhadramati is a Public and Private Preceptor and the Women’s Mitra Convenor at the London Buddhist Centre. She is the author of Not About Being Good; an insightful book on Buddhist ethics.

Uploaded: Friday 10th Feb 2017

Three talks from three recently ordained Order Members on why they decided to join the Triratna Buddhist Order.

Uploaded: Friday 3rd Feb 2017

The first of our talks on the theme of What is the Sangha? Parami is currently the International Order Convenor for Triratna and has lived and worked within Triratna for many years of her life. Sangha is very important to her and her years of experience will help us to get a clearer idea of what...

Uploaded: Friday 2nd Dec 2016

In the last talk in the series on the Four Dimensions of Awareness, Ratnaghosha speaks on Awareness of Reality; stepping in for Vessantara, who had to cancel due to illness.

Uploaded: Friday 18th Nov 2016

Vijayamala gives the third talk in our series on the Dimensions of Awareness, which is mindfulness of others.

Uploaded: Tuesday 15th Nov 2016

Four short talks from Sangha Day 2017, on the theme of 'Different Flowers in the Same Garden'.

Uploaded: Friday 4th Nov 2016

As part of our series of talks for Sangha Night on the Four Dimensions of Awareness, Ratnadharini gives a candid talk on Awareness of Self.

Uploaded: Tuesday 18th Oct 2016

A talk by Samudraghosa to mark Ambedkar Day at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre.

Uploaded: Friday 14th Oct 2016

An introductory talk for this series on the Four Dimensions of Awareness, as elucidated by Sangharakshita.

Uploaded: Monday 26th Sep 2016

“I teach suffering and its end,” the Buddha once replied when asked what he taught. Devamitra examines the deeper optimism so easily overlooked in this simple answer and explores the importance of making the most of adversity.

Uploaded: Thursday 25th Aug 2016

Maitreyabandhu returns to Sangha Night to give a close reading of a poem. As a poet, he shows us how to read the spiritual themes emerging within the text and how they might relate to us

Uploaded: Wednesday 27th Jul 2016

In the final talk by Ratnaghosha on the 5 Stages of the Path he evokes the conditions needed to create receptivity to the Dharma. The talk creates a beautiful vision of what is possible spiritually when we get out of the way and follow the call of the Buddha Dharma.

Uploaded: Wednesday 27th Jul 2016

An exposition of the 6 Anusati's as taught to Mahanama by the Buddha in the Mahanam Suttaof the Anguttara Nikaya. These recollections are a way to practice in every day life developing a mind that is free from the poisons and full of positivity. A practical and delightful talk for Cambridge...

Uploaded: Friday 15th Jul 2016

This fifth talk in the series on the Five Stages of Spiritual Life goes into the theme of spiritual rebirth and what that means for us.

Uploaded: Friday 1st Jul 2016

In this his fourth talk in the series on the Five Stages of Spiritual Life, Ratnaghosha looks at spiritual death. The talk goes into what that particular metaphor, spiritual death, means to us and what it signifies for us spiritually. Ratnaghosha talks about the two paths and their associated...

Uploaded: Monday 20th Jun 2016

Continuing his series of six talks on the Five Stages of Spiritual Life, Ratnaghosha's third talk, Choosing the Best, is about positive emotion. The talk explores the basic choice we have in life and goes into how we can cultivate positive emotion. The topics of motivation, faith and karma are...

Uploaded: Friday 10th Jun 2016

In this talk Vessantara reflects on some of the themes of our Buddhist Action Month - 'Abundance in simplicity'. Over the centuries, the Dharma has been practiced by people following many different lifestyles – from homeless wanderers to kings and queens in their palaces. If there...

Uploaded: Tuesday 7th Jun 2016

Ratnaghosha gives his second talk in this series of six talks on the Five Stages of Spiritual Life. The talk entitled 'All Things Great and Small' is about integration and explorse three kinds of integration. It goes into how we can become more integrated and Ratnaghosha outlines what he...

Uploaded: Tuesday 7th Jun 2016

A talk by Ratnaguna, author of the recently released Windhorse Publications book 'Great Faith, Great Wisdom: Practice and awakening in the Pure Land sutras of Mahayana Buddhism'. The title of the talk is 'Opening the Mind's Eye'. In his talk Ratnaguna explores the third of...

Uploaded: Friday 20th May 2016

This is the first in a series of six talks that Ratnaghosha will give this summer on the Five Stages of Spiritual Life.

Uploaded: Friday 22nd Apr 2016

Taradasa talks on the Arts as the 6th Distinctive Emphasis of Triratna. It is an encouraging talk asking us to look, and look again at our relationship to the fine arts. Whether it's music, painting, sculpture, performance - whatever we respond to in the Arts, Taradasa shows how we can...

Uploaded: Tuesday 12th Apr 2016

Continuing with the series of talks for Sangha Night on the Six Distinctive Features of Triratna, Arthasiddhi who is the men's Mitra Convenor for Cambridge, gives a talk on Spiritual Friendship.

Uploaded: Monday 11th Apr 2016

Drawing upon the myths in the life of the Buddha Satyapara explores the role the body plays when we take up Buddhist practice. She describes the Buddha as a child under a rose apple tree being deeply in touch with his surrounding and when calling upon the earth he gains confidence in his...