Cambridge Buddhist Centre Talks

These talks have all been given at Cambridge Buddhist Centre and uploaded to the Free Buddhist Audio website.

Uploaded: Friday 1st Apr 2016

In this short series given at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre in early 2016, Vessantara explores Sangharakshitas idea that fundamentally there is one spiritual experience, which has different aspects that we can unfold. All the talks are linked together not only through ideas, but also through a...

Uploaded: Friday 25th Mar 2016

Sraddhagita shares her experience of Team Based Right Livelihood, as part of a series on the Six Distinctive Emphasis of Triratna, on Cambridge Sangha Night. The talk is full of passion and insight into a practice Shraddhagita has been involved in for over 16 years. Drawing on the four...

Uploaded: Tuesday 22nd Mar 2016

In the final talk of the series Vessantara evokes the need for us to open up to and head towards the depth dimension of the present moment. Using the image of the Wayfinder and evocative poetry, he guides us in this talk to letting go and tuning in to the deeper resources of the awakened qualities...

Uploaded: Friday 11th Mar 2016

In the third talk of this series Vessantara continues with the image of the Polynesian Wayfinder and gives us many practical ways to keep engaging with life, despite difficulty and suffering. A talk to give you real confidence in the path and in the energy we can contact to steer to real refuge.

Uploaded: Friday 11th Mar 2016

The second in a series of four talks by Vessantara exploring Going for Refuge is an accessible talk on the Insight aspect.

Uploaded: Wednesday 24th Feb 2016

A rich talk by Vessantara on Sangha Night in Cambridge. Using the metaphor of Wayfinding to navigate our way across the sea of suffering to the safe refuge of the Buddha Dharma. The first of 4 talks exploring Going For Refuge.

Uploaded: Wednesday 17th Feb 2016

Another talk in the Cambridge Sangha night series on the Six Distinctive Emphases of the Triratna Buddhist Community. Aryajaya talks about the significance of Going For Refuge to the Three Jewels.

Uploaded: Wednesday 17th Feb 2016

Subhadramati gives a talk for Cambridge Sangha night as part of a series onthe Six Distinctive Emphasis of the Triratna Buddhist Community. A talk full of energy, insight and inspiration on Ordination within Triratna.

Uploaded: Friday 22nd Jan 2016

An informative talk from Vajraketu on the three Yanas, in his characteristic entertaining style.

Uploaded: Monday 18th Jan 2016

An accessible talk given to the Young Peoples group on who the Buddha was.

Uploaded: Friday 15th Jan 2016

An introduction to the six distinctive features of Triratna.

Uploaded: Friday 11th Dec 2015

The last in a series of talks for Sangha Night on the Mandala of the Five Buddhas is a talk by Dhatvisvari on the white Buddha in the centre of the mandala, Vairocana.

Uploaded: Tuesday 1st Dec 2015

A talk for Sangha Day and to conclude the International Urban Retreat at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre. The talk is by the Centre Chairman Ratnaghosha.

Uploaded: Monday 23rd Nov 2015

Maitreyabandhu launches the International Urban Retreat at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre with a talk on the theme of the retreat which is the teaching from on the Greater Mandala.

Uploaded: Friday 20th Nov 2015

The fourth in our series of talks on the Mandala of the Five Buddhas for Sangha Night. Jnanavaca talks on the dark green Buddha of the north, Amoghasiddhi.

Uploaded: Friday 6th Nov 2015

The second in our series of talks on the Mandala of the Five Buddhas for Sangha Night. Padmasuri talks on the deep red Buddha of the west, Amitabha.

Uploaded: Friday 6th Nov 2015

A special talk for Sangha Night to mark the full moon. Amarachandra speaks on the beautiful bodhisattva White Tara.

Uploaded: Wednesday 21st Oct 2015

The second in a series of talks for Sangha Night on the Mandala of the Five Buddhas is a talk by Ratnaghosha on the golden yellow Buddha of the south, Ratnasambhava.

Uploaded: Wednesday 21st Oct 2015

The first in a series of talks for Sangha Night on the Mandala of the Five Buddhas is a talk by Jnanasalin on the blue Buddha of the east, Akshobya.

Uploaded: Monday 19th Oct 2015

Ratnaghosha interviews Maitreyabandhu as part of a book launch for two new books by Maitreyabandhu, The Journey and the Guide and Yarn.

Uploaded: Tuesday 18th Aug 2015

As part of celebrations at Sangha Night to mark the 90th birthday of Sangharakshita, Ratnaghosha gives a personal talk on the influence of Bhante as a teacher.

Uploaded: Friday 24th Jul 2015

The final talk in the series The Buddha in the Pali Canon is a substantial talk by Sanghadevi on the praises of Pingiya.

Uploaded: Tuesday 21st Jul 2015

As part of a series of talks for Sangha Night, entitled The Buddha in the Pali Canon, Viryajyoti talks on the story of Kisa Gotami

Uploaded: Tuesday 7th Jul 2015

Another in our series of talks on The Buddha in the Pali Canon, on the Culasaccaka Sutta.

Uploaded: Tuesday 16th Jun 2015

The second in the series of talks for Sangha Night, The Buddha in the Pali Canon, is a substantial talk by Ratnaghosha on the Meghiya Sutta.

Uploaded: Tuesday 2nd Jun 2015

The first in a series of talks for Sangha night about the Buddha in the Pali Canon.

Uploaded: Tuesday 31st Mar 2015

A talk by Maitreyi as part of Sangha Night and to mark the Year of the Buddha at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre.

Uploaded: Tuesday 17th Mar 2015

A lively talk in conjunction with the Cambridge Science Festival and part of the Cambridge Buddhist Centre Open Day.

Uploaded: Tuesday 27th Jan 2015

A talk by Ratnaghosha to launch the new Sangha Night at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre.

Uploaded: Monday 15th Dec 2014

Audio of a course by of Vessantara at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Ritual and Devotion, including led meditations and chanting.