Cambridge Buddhist Centre Talks
These talks have all been given at Cambridge Buddhist Centre and uploaded to the Free Buddhist Audio website.
In this second talk of the series on the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas associated with the closing mantras, Viryajyoti explores the symbolism of the intriguing figure of Manjughosha.
More than feeling, more than emotion as we know it; compassion is the Enlightened response to a suffering world. What does this mean for us as Buddhists? What does the Buddhist vision of transforming mind have to offer our modern suffering world? Can we solve the problems? If not, can we really...
It may be Christmas Day but it is also Sangha Night and Ratnaghosha takes the opportunity to explore the Buddhist themes in 'A Christmas Carol' by Charles Dickens.
Dharmottara speaks about her experience of mortality over the last year and a half. She says "I have learnt so much which has been of great benefit to me. I have found that deep joy can arise in circumstances which would seem to preclude it. My various cancers are no longer operable, so now...
Tossed around by gain, buffeted by loss, borne aloft by praise, cast down by blame, how can we not be ground under, lose all direction, confidence, and sense of purpose?
The Buddha had clear guidance on how to rise above these ‘worldly winds’. Out of the multitude of the Buddha's...
As part of Sangha Night, three members of the young people's group speak about why they decided to take up Buddhism.
In this second talk of our series on the Five Spiritual Faculties Sarvatajnana looks at Wisdom, which is considered to be the balancing faculty to Faith.
Two newly ordained Order members talk about how they are continuing the lineage of the Sangha and passing on the flame of the Dharma to others.
Two newly ordained Order members talk about their contribution to the lineage of the Sangha and how they are passing on the flame of the Dharma.
A passionate talk from Ratnaghosha, encouraging and exalting us all to take up the flame of the Dharma, as he has done and as Bhante Sangharakshita did before him, and to pass it on to others.
Tossed around by gain, buffeted by loss, borne aloft by praise, cast down by blame, how can we not be ground under, lose all direction, confidence, and sense of purpose?
The Buddha had clear guidance on how to rise above these ‘worldly winds’. Out of the multitude of the Buddha's...
If the Five Spiritual Faculties were visualised as a mandala then Mindfulness would be in the Centre. It is considered to be the faculty that balances all of the others and which cannot be practised to excess as the others possibly could be.
The newly ordained Kuladipa gives this fourth talk in our series on the Five Spiritual Faculties.
Over the next few months we will be exploring the teaching of the Five Spiritual Faculties, which are Faith, Wisdom, Mindfulness, Meditation and Energy.
In this talk, Ratnaghosha introduces the theme and gives an overview.
Vidyasakhi's key note talk from Padmasambhava Day 2018
Two short talks - from Alex and from Kamalanaga - as part of Padmasambhava Day 2018.
Four ten minute talks from four mitras who have asked for ordination on what asking for ordination means to them.
The ordination course is a rare opportunity for city-dwellers like Shubhanaga to renounce modern city life, living simply and following the example of the Buddha, who went forth into a life of homelessness, leading ultimately to his enlightenment under the Bodhi Tree 2,500 years ago.
In his talk...
Keturaja has decades of experience working in Buddhist businesses and is currently the Director of New View, an ethical letting company based in Cambridge. Is work just a necessity or a source of fulfillment? Is a career a hindrance or a support to our happiness and unfoldment as individuals?...
Concluding our series of talks on the ten precepts, Samamati speaks on the last precept.
Ratnaghosha's key note talk from Dharma Day, 2018.
The ninth precept is the topic for Samudraghosha. He is an accomplished Dharma teacher who is noted for the thoroughness with which he tackles his subject.
As part of our exploration of the ten precepts, Vidyasakhi presents a personal talk on the eighth precept.
The title of this talk is inspired by Wordsworth who said "Words are too awful an instrument for good and evil to be trifled with: they hold above all other external powers a dominion over thoughts."
As a continuation of our series on the ten precepts, the third precept is explored by Viryajyoti, drawing on her own experience and the teachings of the Buddha.
As part of our series of talks on the ten precepts, Ratnaghosha explores the second precept. This is an area of activity that is crucial to an effective practice of the Dharma and the living of the Bodhisattva life.
Continuing our series on the ten precepts, John Turner, who takes a lead in the Sangha Action group, speaks on the first precept.
To introduce this series of talks on the ten precepts Ratnaghosha highlights the significance of these precepts for all Buddhists.
To mark Buddha Day 2018, Satyapara leads us in an evocation of the alchemical Buddha.
Sanghanath, who grew up in India talks about his spiritual journey and the impact of Dr. Ambedkar on his life and his current work for The Karuna Trust.