Latest News

Launch of the Dana Economy

Based on the enthusiastic response and helpful feedback we have received from our recent Sangha Night talk, we are excited to announce that we will be launching the Dana Economy, a community based on generosity, on Sangha Day. Such a transformative move for the Centre will encourage all of us to engage in a vibrant community, giving freely in whatever way we can, so that we can share the Dharma with all.

Sangha Day

Jnanavaca to give a talk at Sangha Night

We are delighted to welcome Jnanavaca - our President, and a Public Preceptor - to join us for Sangha Night on Tuesday 1st September, to give a talk. Full details can be found HERE. Curious about Sangha Night? Read about what we do HERE.


A message from the Council

Dear friends,
In these uncertain times, and with our Centre having been physically closed for more than three months now, it is natural for there to have been questions about the Centre’s financial health. Many of you will also be aware that the Centre has been receiving funds under the Government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (commonly known as furloughing), and may have questions about that. We hope to give you below some idea of the situation.
The first thing to say is that the Centre is not in any immediate financial danger. Sangha members, and many... Read More

A message from the Council

Free Buddhist artwork for Buddha Day

Local Buddhist artist, Saddharaja - whose 'The Tibetan Wheel of Life' is available to download HERE - is offering his latest artwork - 'The Attack of Mara' - free, to mark the traditional annual Buddha Day festival. The scene depicts a decisive moment in the Buddha's Enlightenment, where he symbolically overcame the forces of negativity and limitation and called forth the Earth Godess to testify to his right to become a fully Enlightened, liberated human being.

You can download your high resolution copy of the artwork... Read More

Attack of Mara

Tibetan Wheel of Life fundraiser

Local Buddhist artist, Saddharaja has just completed a new drawing of 'The Tibetan Wheel of Life' and is offering a high resolution copy for download to raise funds for the Cambridge Buddhist Centre. Watch a video of Saddharaja talking about the work. You can download your copy HERE.

Wheel of life

Windhorse Publications free the Dharma!

Now that the Cambridge Buddhist Centre bookshop is closed you can get books on the Dharma, meditation and working with your heart-mind directly from the Windhorse Publications website

Sign up to the Windhorse Publications newsletter here to get a link to a free eBook every... Read More

Windhorse Publications

The Face Magazine interview us

The British music, fashion and culture monthly magazine, The Face, interviewed our very own Abhayamati as part of an article on how to deal with self-isolation. Subtitled 'Wisdom from a Buddhist, an astronaut, a man who lived in the Australian outback and a man who worked on a research station in Antarctica' the article includes a section where Abhayamati talks about fearlessness, simplicity and the value of solitariness.

Read the article on The Face website: ... Read More

The Face Magazine

Our beautiful gardens

Liz, our lovely Property Manager, is making sure our historic building remains in good repair and, on her recent visit, took these pictures of our sumptuous courtyard gardens.

View the full size photos here:

Can you spot the ladybird?

Buddha in the courtyard

The Cambridge Buddhist Centre closed due to the Coronavirus

Centre Closed until at least 17th April.

Updated 20th March

Dear friends,
Following government advice to restrict the spread of the Coronavirus, we have decided to close the Cambridge Buddhist Centre, with immediate effect, until at least Friday 17th April. We will of course update you as more advice is given. If you are currently booked on a course or retreat which falls during this initial closure period, we will be contacting you separately by email to discuss the options available to you.
Practicing mindfulness and loving-kindness during times... Read More

Cambridge Buddhist Centre

Coronavirus FAQs

We are constantly monitoring government advice on how best to respond to the threat of the Coronavirus. You can find all our latest advice on our FAQ page.

Coronavirus FAQs