Latest News

Flourishing Together - our new fundraising campaign

At Buddha Day this year our Chair, Keturaja, launched our new fundraising campaign - Flourishing Together.

Our aim, to increase our regular income by £20,000 per year.

Our Buddhist Centre runs on a Dana Economy. Dana means 'giving' or 'generosity', so our aim is for a culture of giving and receiving of generosity. Our meditation and Buddhism teachers and teams give their time. As a Centre, we give our classes and courses. And, we encourage those who benefit from what we do to give what they can.

That way, we all flourish together.

If you would like to contribute... Read More

Flourishing Together

Introducing our new Pilates teacher

We are delighted to welcome Baharak Alavi as our new Pilates teacher, who will be leading Monday lunchtime Pilates classes from June.

Baharak Alavi

Cambodian Buddha head

We are delighted to have this Cambodian Buddha head (pictured) on a long-term loan.

As well as being a beautiful and inspiring example of Buddhist art, it is also an artifact, dating from, we believe, 18th century Cambodia. It is thought to be influenced by the Thai style, as the Siamese invaded Cambodia in the 15th century. It is likely to have formed part of a much larger, full body statue.

The Buddha head is currently on display in our shrine room where, at the request of the donor, it will be the object of veneration.


Cambodian Buddha head

Jessyca joins our yoga team

We are really pleased to welcome Jessyca Machado to our yoga team. Jessyca will be leading early and mid-morning Hatha Yoga classes on Tuesdays.

Jessyca Machado

Introducing our new yoga teacher, Jesse Ng

We are delighted to welcome our latest addition to the Cambridge Buddhist Centre bodywork team, Jesse Ng. Jesse will be leading yoga courses on Saturday afternoons from April 2023 that are open to all. Jesse is a 200-hour registered yoga teacher trained in Andiappan yoga, a school from India dedicated to authentic yoga traditions. Find details of Jesse's latest courses... Read More

Jesse Ng

Public Ordination News

On Friday the 9th of December, Vinay Khirade was ordained at Cambridge Buddhist Centre in a Public ordination. Vinay Khirade was given the Dharma name Akshayadipa, a Sanskrit name meaning 'He who gives inexhaustible light'.

Akshayadipa's Public Preceptor on the evening was Arthrapriya and his Private Preceptor was Arthasiddhi. 

The event was witnessed by Akshayadipa's friends and family.

A beautiful evening of celebration and Sangha.

Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!


Photo Credit - Jeremy Peters

Announcment - The passing of Vidyasiddhi

It is with sadness that we share the news of the passing of Vidyasiddhi, who died at 8.35 pm on 20th November. He was 66 years old.

Vidyasiddhi had lived in Cambridge for many years, having worked for Windhorse: Evolution and later at Addenbrookes hospital before his retirement in January this year.

He first met with Triratna in Glasgow and had a successful career as a theatre stage manager in London.

We are awaiting details of his funeral.

There will also be an event to mark his life, which will be held at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre and we will confirm... Read More

Amber's Yogathon fundraiser for Ukraine - update

As many of us may know, Yoga teacher Amber led an eight-hour Yogathon to raise funds for the DEC (Disasters Emergency Committee for Ukraine) on Sunday 14th of August, 2022.

The Just Giving Page has raised a magnificent total of £1770, including gift aid so far!

All funds will go to support the DEC, and their local partners in Ukraine, to support the immediate needs of all people fleeing with food, water, medical assistance, protection and trauma care.

We will leave the fundraiser Just Giving page open to those who would like to share the fundraiser link or donate.... Read More


Announcement - Dharma Day 2022 welcomes Centre Chair Keturaja

We would like to welcome Keturaja to his role as Centre Chair at Cambridge Buddhist Centre. He officially became Centre Chair on Dharma Day on Sunday and was handed the symbol of office by Arthapriya, who kindly took on the position of Interim Chair last year. 

Some words from Keturaja -

'I wanted to thank the many members of the Sangha who have welcomed me and expressed their support for my becoming the new chair of the Cambridge Buddhist Centre.  I have also been made to feel very welcome by the centre team and council.  I very much look forward to working with those teams... Read More

Ordinations at Akashavana

Dear Sangha members, 

We are delighted to announce that we have news that Eileen Merryweather was ordained at Akashavana on Saturday the 18th of June, 2022.

Eileen becomes Mokṣacārā, a Sanskrit name meaning 'She who walks the path of freedom'.

Mokṣacārā's Private preceptor was Saddhahadaya.

I am sure we will join in saying a big Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!

Mokṣacārā will have an in-person, welcome-back evening on Wednesday the 27th of July, 19.30 - 21.00.

To attend, please book your place via the... Read More
