Writing Your Way - Writing Group

Saturday 15th Mar 2025 - 2.00pm to 4.00pm

A fun and engaging monthly workshop exploring creative writing and its connection with spiritual practice.

We'll be using exercises from Manjusvara's book "Writing Your Way" as well as other exercises from different sources, including ones devised by Amaya.

The emphasis is on getting the words down on the page in a safe and encouraging space and not on producing finished polished work.

If you are a writer already and are interested in how this could combine with a spiritual practice or you are someone who has the desire to write but hasn't gotten around to it yet then this group would be suitable for you.

Do bring a notebook and pen and Manjusvara’s book, if you have it.

If you would like to buy a copy of the book, you can get an electronic copy from Windhorse Publications as the book is now out of print.

The group normally takes place on the 3rd Saturday (2-4 pm) of each month and is open to anyone, by donation. You can make a contactless donation via the donation points in the Centre foyer. We recommend a donation of £15 - £25 for this event.

Please be aware that none of the classes/events run by the Cambridge Buddhist Centre is aimed at under 18-year-olds. All under 18-year-olds must be accompanied by their parent or another responsible adult over the age of 18 (with their parent's permission). Please contact us in advance of attending at info@cambridgebuddhistcentre.com so we can assess how suitable the event is for the young person.

Led By: 
Suitable For: 
Cambridge Buddhist Centre
How To Book: 
Spaces Available: