Monday 8th April 2024
The Cambridge Buddhist Centre ritually said goodbye to five Sangha members recently as they prepare to go off on their ordination retreats this week.
The send off event happened on Friday 29th March and managed to draw out much of the Cambridge Sangha who came to celebrate with the ordinands, Jeremy Peters, Jacqui Ensom, Archie Conway, Liz Mantle, and David Float.
Guests listened with attentiveness as the five ordinands were each rejoiced in by one of their good spiritual friends, a very moving part of the evening. This was followed by a short talk by Samamati on what joining the Triratna Order means, before ending with a traditional ritual whereby the ordinands offered candles, incense and flowers to the shrine and left the room one at a time to signify them leaving to be ordained.
Ordinands then gathered in the foyer for tea, cake, and a showering of metta by guests, a heartwarming way to end the evening!