Meditation Day: Rejoicing With Delight

Saturday 28th Jun 2025 - 10.00am to 5.00pm

Sympathetic joy (Mudita) is a wonderful step on the path to our liberation.

In our efforts to alleviate the suffering within and without, we can sometimes lose sight of the wholesomeness that is already present and active there. By learning to open our hearts to the happiness of others we naturally and intuitively align ourselves to a deeper well stream of happiness that moves through all of us. This can bring us and others confidence and delight on the path to liberation. We all can witness the goodness in each other, like the earth goddess witnessed it for the Buddha to be on the eve of his Awakening.

"The Bodhisattva, being joyful, spreads confidence and happiness wherever he or she goes" - Sangharakshita

"Mudita is like when you go out into the garden in early summer and see the flowers all springing up and blooming." - Sangharakshita

Join Sanghajata and Prajnapriya for a day exploring joy through meditation, discussion and activities.

Open to all who have a regular meditation practice of the Mindfulness of Breathing and the Metta Bhavana.

Please be aware that none of the classes/events run by the Cambridge Buddhist Centre is aimed at under-18-year-olds. All under 18-year-olds must be accompanied by their parent or another responsible adult over the age of 18 (with their parent's permission). Please contact us in advance of attending at so we can assess how suitable the event is for the young person and how we can safely enable them to engage in an online class.

Please Note: 
Please bring vegan lunch to share.
Led By: 
Sanghajata and Prajnapriya
Suitable For: 
Cambridge Buddhist Centre
How To Book: 
Spaces Available: