Gentle Movement Relaxation and Yoga Nidra

This course combines two relaxation methods that support profound stress-reduction throughout the body, nervous system and mind: gentle movement relaxation from the Feldenkrais tradition and Yoga Nidra
Gentle movement exercises help the body unwind from head to toes, skin to bones, tissue to nervous system. Yoga Nidra, also known as ‘dream yoga,’ ‘sleep yoga’ and the ‘meditative heart of yoga’ offers a pathway to profound psychophysical relaxation that can unwind energetic, emotional and mental tension.
The course covers foundational training in both Feldenkrais and Yoga Nidra with a focus on experiential learning, developing your personal practice and connecting with peers. The course integrates supportive elements from mindfulness and Buddhist meditation. Course materials include weekly handouts and audio recordings to guide your daily home practice.
In the first session you will find out all about training in Feldenkrais and Yoga Nidra. Following that, you will have a short consultation with the relaxation therapist to discuss whether the training course is suitable for you at this time. Should it not be suitable for you, a refund of your booking will be made – minus the cost for the first session (£20) and a booking fee (£5).
The course includes an online session on Saturday, 26th April, 3pm - 5.30pm.