Triratna Earth Sangha: Buddhism & Deep Ecology Day

As Buddhists we are urged to direct mettā towards all living beings, and that doesn’t just mean all human beings, but all animals, insects, plants, birds, and life of every kind, so this is the basis of our ecological concern - Sangharakshita
Sanghasīha and Guhyasakhi explore our connection with the natural world through our Dharma practice. The day will include talks, ritual, sound meditation (Deep Listening), shamanic journeying and discussion.
Sanghasīha has been leading Buddhism & Deep Ecology days, residential and camping retreats for over ten years and is a regular contributor to Buddhafield events and retreats.
Guhyasakhi has been co-leading Buddhism & Deep Ecology days, residential and camping retreats since they were ordained and is especially interested in shamanic practice and permaculture.