Autogenics Course

Monday 12th May 2025 to Monday 14th Jul 2025 - 5.30pm to 7.00pm

The course

The relaxation method of autogenics offers a particularly creative pathway to profound psychophysical relaxation by combining relaxed awareness with intentional mental activity. It was developed in the field of western medicine/psychotherapy and evidence-based research has documented its effectiveness since the 1920s.

In the first session you will find out all about Autogenics and the first training step. Following that, you will have a short consultation with the relaxation therapist to discuss whether the course is suitable for you at this time. Should the course not be suitable for you, a refund of your booking will be made – minus the cost for the first session and a booking fee (£25 total).

The course covers the foundation and intermediate levels of autogenic training, and an introduction to upper-level autogenic practice (autogenic meditation). It integrates supportive elements from mindfulness, movement relaxation and Buddhist meditation. Course materials include weekly handouts and audio recordings to guide your daily home practice..

Regular practice in autogenics can support your concentration general wellbeing, inner peace, creativity, meditation, sleep, as well as gentle psychological processing to release physical and emotional tensions and anxieties. Over the course, you can learn to relax more deeply, personalise your practice and experiment with intermediate exercises. Furthermore, with daily practice, there is the possibility of establishing a quick relaxation routine that can support you during the day, wherever you are.

Autogenic training complements, and can also be a lead-in to mindfulness-based stress reduction and meditation.

Requirements and recommendations

Autogenic training depends on daily practice (15-30 minutes), which over time can establish a particular comprehensive pathway to deep relaxation. With commitment to the training, you can then explore ways of working with yourself in deep relaxation towards the end of the course.

Autogenic training is not suitable for people with psychiatric illness, addiction to mind-altering substances or depression; or if you had a stroke in the last four months. Please contact Sarvatajnana beforehand to discuss any personal health concerns.

You can find more information progressive muscle relaxation and other relaxation methods at

The teacher

Sarvatajnana is a certified relaxation therapist. She has been practising for over 20 years and teaching since 2017. You can contact her by email at

Led By: 
Cambridge Buddhist Centre
How To Book: 
Advance payment required
Spaces Available: