Art Exhibition: Viśuddhimati Paintings

Viśuddhimati's Paintings
The exhibition will be open weekdays, 10am - 1pm from Thursday 27th March - Tuesday 24th June 2025. On Saturday 5th April you can meet the artist from 2.30pm - 4.30pm and there will be a talk at 3pm.
Viśuddhimati is an Order Member and artist. She started out as an architect after studying at the University of Cambridge and then made her way into painting and studied Fine Art at St Albans.
On her website when talking about her art degree she states, "The approach taken encouraged development of a sense of touch. The physicality and tactile qualities of drawing are key aspects of my working method. My subjective sensed experience of the world has more to it than the purely visual aspect. My use of expressive visual language is informed through touch, texture, surface and gesture and the interplay of the imagination with perceived objects."
You can read more about her on her website here.